WhatsUpDoc - Chat with up-to-date knowledge base (Docs, Forums, etc.)


WhatsUpDoc is an innovative platform that allows you to chat with an up-to-date knowledge base, including documentation, forums, and more. With WhatsUpDoc, you can go beyond traditional documentation and integrate forums and GitHub Discussions for a fuller picture.

One of the key advantages of WhatsUpDoc is its pay-once, use-forever model. By simply adding your OpenAI key, you can access a wealth of information and resources without any additional costs.

WhatsUpDoc is designed to enhance your development process by providing real-time access to the latest documentation and community discussions. This ensures that you have the most up-to-date knowledge at your fingertips, allowing you to make informed decisions and solve problems effectively.

To learn more about WhatsUpDoc and how it can revolutionize your development workflow, visit their website at WhatsUpDoc.

Chat Documentation Integration